Why We Roast Our Cumin In-House
We roast our own cumin. Here’s why.
We all know that when spices get old, they lose their vibrancy and purpose.
That’s one of the main reasons we roast our own cumin in-house, to make sure it packs a fresh punch. We frequently bring in fresh cumin seeds and start the careful process of roasting them to aromatic perfection right in our facility. Having control over the roasting process also helps us guarantee that the ingredients we use are the exact quality we are looking for.
Once roasted, the cumin seeds are ground and used within 48 hours in our recipes. This entire process takes time and planning, but fresh spices and, in turn, great tasting food are things we value. From salsas to soups and beans, the freshly-roasted cumin truly takes our recipes up a notch. A staple ingredient in a variety of cuisines, cumin adds a warm, earthy and nutty flavor to a dish and pleasantly boosts its aromatics.
Did you know? Cumin is in the same plant family as parsley and was introduced to North America by Spanish and Portuguese colonists.
According to Technomic, cumin is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and has seen a surge in usage across menu that are looking to tap into health demands from customers. Popular dishes that are on the rise, like shakshuka and tikka masala, feature cumin as a known ingredient that brings lots of flavor.
Interested in co-packing your recipe with us? Our R&D team is here to help guide the process to feature ingredients that are on-trend.
You can try our in-house roasted cumin in our